Chimay Gold Cap 330ml
Chimay Gold Cap 330ml
Polite notice: Vintages and aesthetic properties of products may vary from time to time. For specifics please contact us.
Chimay Gold is a light and refreshing Belgian Trappist ale, brewed with the same care and expertise as its stronger Chimay counterparts. With a bright, golden hue and an ABV of 4.8%, Chimay Gold offers a delicate balance of subtle fruit and floral notes with a mild bitterness. Crafted by the Trappist monks of Chimay, this beer is brewed using traditional methods, resulting in a smooth, crisp finish that is both flavorful and easy to drink.
Perfect for pairing with light meals or enjoying on its own, Chimay Gold is an excellent choice for those seeking a high-quality, sessionable Belgian ale with a touch of authenticity and craftsmanship.